About Organica

African agriculture has the potential to feed all its inhabitants and secure access to high-quality food in the long term. Due to the loss of knowledge and the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, agricultural soils are weakened and lose their humus layer.

This problem prompted us to launch the ORGANICA – BACK TO THE ROOTS initiative in Tanzania. ORGANICA wants to encourage people to see the soil as their natural treasure, enabling them to lead a self-determined and healthy life.


ORGANICA has established a center for regenerative agriculture in southern Tanzania – the ORGANICA FARMCAMPUS.

The location is in the middle of nature, only 10 km from the town of Mtwara, on a plateau. In the distance you can see the beautiful bay of Mikindani and the Indian Ocean.

ORGANICA wants to show on the farm campus how long-term and productive agriculture is possible with regenerative and ecological soil management.

To this end, a permaculture farm was created with a large number of cashew trees and over 100 different plant species that grow in harmony with each other and support each other.

The farm campus is intended to be a place of encounter and learning. People can expand their knowledge of regenerative agriculture and a sustainable lifestyle there. Regardless of age, origin or gender, there will be an open exchange about solutions in agriculture and health.

Weitere Angebote

  • Lehrgänge

  • Safaris & Kultur erleben

  • Versuchsbetrieb für ökologischen Landbau

  • Ökohäuser zum Wohnen auf dem Farmcampus

  • Ferien auf unserem Farmcampus

  • Freiwilligenarbeit auf unserer Farm